Member-only story
Managing IBS
My fight with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Should you read this?
IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder of the intestine. 6 years ago, IBS latched on to me and hasn’t let go since. In this post I will attempt to summarize that journey, in as non-depressing a way as possible. I mean c’mon people I am talking about gas, non-depressing is a high bar.
If you don’t have IBS but are still curios about it, then you sir/mam are weird! This is the internet. You could be spending your time watching funny cat videos or consuming propaganda like decent functioning members of society; instead you want to read about IBS? Well to each their own I guess.
But jokes apart, if a loved one has IBS and you want to understand the condition better, I would strongly encourage you to read this post. I am writing as a patient, and as such you might get a unique peek into the perspective of the person suffering from this disease. I will be writing about my journey, and I will not claim it is the experience of others; but it is a piece of the puzzle, and it might help you to support your loved one better. Or at the very least help you know their weak points, so that you know where to strike!
If you have IBS, then reading this is a no-brainer and so I wont expend any more text on…