Over the past few weeks, India has been rocked by the CAA and NRC.
Some People I have talked to about this, say its the best thing since sliced bread. Others say its the devil incarnate.
So, I decided to actually do what Sadhguru didn’t, and read the bills.
So, since the media houses of the country are too busy playing echo chambers, ill give you an unbiased take on the bills (There will be some opinion yes, but it will be mostly based on what i read. Ill link the sources below.)
First comes NRC.
Now as far as i can tell, the particulars of the Nationwide NRC have not been declared, but going by the Assam NRC model, to prove that you are a citizen of India, you will have to
- Submit a document to prove that you or your ancestor was a resident of India before 24th March 1971. (There is a list of documents, from which you have to provide one)
- If the document you submit happens to belong to your ancestor (i.e. not you), you’ll have to provide another document (Again from a list of documents specified) to prove that person is indeed YOUR ancestor. (Maybe you shouldn’t have said OK Boomer, when your granddad asked you to fix his phone now, should you?)